The cigar brand that once ignited an industry had fallen behind. In the early 2000s, Clásico had lost its appeal and popularity. So much so that it stopped being imported to the US. The product, however, was as great as always, and JDN knew it was a matter of reintroducing it accordingly.
We strategized a plan to put it back on the map, respecting and celebrating its heritage and visual language, keeping key components such as JDN’s vintage coat-of-arms for a timeless composition. We embarked on an upgraded and updated journey to Stay Clásico.
We redid the iconic tobacco field painting the brand was recognized for, changing a few details to be more in line with the landscape of the Valley of Estelí, Nicaragua’s tobacco capital. Instead of the typical curing huts and palm trees of Caribbean plantations, we featured Nicaraguan curing barns and the “Malinche” trees with their vibrant red flowers, which are a staple at JDN’s factory.
This meticulous composition with beautiful finishes, featuring hand-made 3D embossings, golden and foil inks, and varnishes, added depth and vividness to an identity that had become sepia and dull.